
Hi, I am Yang Xiaozhou (杨晓州), currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Future Resilient Systems programme of Singapore-ETH Centre. I obtained my Ph.D. in industrial engineering at National University of Singapore, mentored by A/P Chen Nan. I am developing real-time disruption monitoring schemes and post-disruption recovery strategies to enhance critical infrastructure resilience. You can find some of my reseach works here. When I am not working, I like cooking, doing sports and scuba diving around South East Asia. I also make videos about my diving and cycling trips.

Growing up, my dad would always tell me that “好记性不如烂笔头”, which means that the palest ink is better than the best memory. He is a man of words. I can still remember vividly how he would sit in the living room and write in his journal every night. I am becoming increasingly aware of the fact that:

So I decided to start this blog where I can put thoughts down and not worry about losing them.

没有眼里所无法看见的花朵,更没心中所不愿思慕的明月。- 松尾芭蕉