

Expectation-maximization algorithm, explained

A comprehensive guide to the EM algorithm with intuitions, examples, Python implementation, and maths

Domain Expertise: What deep learning needs for better COVID-19 detection

By now, you’ve probably seen a few, if not many, articles on how deep learning could help detect COVID-19. In particular, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been studied as a faster and cheaper alternative to the gold-standard PCR test by just analyzing the patient’s computed tomography (CT) scan. It’s not surprising since CNN is excellent at image recognition; many places have CT scanners rather than COVID-19 testing kits (at least initially).

Convolutional Neural Network: How is it different from the other networks?

I am not a deep learning researcher, but I’ve come to know a few things about neural networks through various exposures. I’ve always heard that CNN is a type of neural network that’s particularly good at image-related problems. But, what does that really mean? What’s with the word “convolutional”? What’s so unusual about an image-related problem that a different network is required?

Statistical learning knowledge repository

This is a collection of my notes on various topics of statistical learning. It is intended as a knowledge repository for some of the unexpected discoveries, less-talked-about connections, and under-the-hood concepts for statistical learning. It’s a work in progress that I will periodically update.



2020年6月:像做talk show一样去做学术报告




2020年5月:浅尝Snack Writing


Francis Galton: 维多利亚时代的博学家与他观察到的奇妙世界

周末读Aeon的一篇文章:Algorithms associating appearance and criminality have a dark past,讲现在有研究人员用机器学习算法通过人脸来判断某人犯罪的几率。文中讲到这种从人外表提取预见性特征的尝试,在犯罪学历史上并不新奇,19世纪的意大利犯罪学家Cesare Lombroso认为罪犯的脸部有独特的样貌:突出的前额、鹰型鼻梁;而18世纪的Francis Galton则尝试回答一个更广泛的问题:人的外表跟他或她的健康状况、犯罪倾向、智力等等有关系吗?或者说,人的基因是否决定了健康、行为、智力和竞争力?